Last night their just so happened to be a Lunar Eclipse in Massachusetts, so of course someone in Massachusetts had to remember that there was a Lunar Eclipse the last time the Red Sox won the World Series and therefore it's a good omen.
"The last time there was a mix of a lunar eclipse and a baseball game it worked out really well for the Red Sox," Binzel said. "We'll see if the magic can repeat itself."
How about the omen that is good is the fact that the Yanks have lost 5 of their last 7 games and are coming off a pummeling at the hands of the Tigers.
They went to college and all of a sudden it was cool to wear a Red Sox hat so they ran out to get one. Then the Red Sox started making these plastic cards to put in your wallet and sell them for $19.95 a piece so you can wip out this card and prove how loyal of a fan you are. "Hey look at me I am the most fantic Red Sox fan in the world. Look here is my card proving it." No you're not. Your just a dumb douchebag that wasted $20 on a card. These cards should say World's Biggest Douche on them instead.
Yankees don't suck, Red Sox Nation sucks.
No card, no sex.
on another note this "president" of red sox nation is a load of horseshit.