So there are a few conclusions to be drawn:
1) He is a baseball magnet, a heart throb seen on all the teenie bopper for baseball magazines.
2) While walking towards the mound a rogue Yankee pats Jaret on the back and sticks on a "Please Hit Me Sign".
3) Jaret is an investor in the new Kevlar enhanced UnderArmour and is being used as the Guinea Pig tester and told to test out the material at least once per outing.
4) Envious of Carl Pavano, Jaret is doing his best to land on the DL without tearing any tendons or muscles in his body.
5) A Jaret hater, and owner of a magic time stopping device, Stephen King stops time after hit baseballs against Wright and redirects them towards Jaret's body and away from his glove.