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Showing posts from July, 2010

2010 Big 12 Helmet Schedule (retro)

Here is your 2010 Big 12 Schedule in helmet form. I prefer the retro helmet so you get them again this year. For a Glossary of all the Helmet Schedules click on the link. Please click on the image to get the full sized version.

2010 Pac 10 Helmet Schedule (retro)

Here is your 2010 Pac 10 Schedule in helmet form. I prefer the retro helmet so you get them again this year. For a Glossary of all the Helmet Schedules click on the link. Please click on the image to get the full sized version.

A Theoretical Conversation Between Carlos Gonzalez and Charlie Manuel

Charlie Manuel - Umm, well hello, umm Carlos. Carlos Gonzalez aka CarGo - Uhhh, who is this? Charlie Manuel - Well you know its, [5 seconds of dead air], Chaaahhhllie Manuel. My team, you know, umm, lost in the World Series and umm, I guess that makes me umm the manager of umm the All Star Game. CarGo - Oh, Mr. Manuel, so is this good news about the All Star game? Charlie Manuel - Well, you know I had some hardish type decisions to make. Umm, they want me to pick umm the All Star team and umm well I don't remember people's names and things. So umm, I kind of picked guys umm, that were you know kind of All Stars before cause well they were all stars before so well they can be all stars again, right? I think that umm makes sense. CarGo - Soooo, that means I didn't make the team? Charlie Manuel - Well ya umm, I didn't really know your name, umm, there are so many people named Gonzalez and umm I just went with Adrian. And well umm, I have to pick a playe...

The Cavs Are Paying the Price For Trying to Contend in 09-10

Last offseason the Cavs had a few options, they could either A) go for it in 09-10 and try to convince Lebron that they were doing whatever they could to get him a championship or they could have B) not so discretely told Lebron that they were going to build a roster in 09-10 that would allow him to pick from the litter of free agent buddies that he might want to bring with him to Cleveland. I wrote about this exact issue last June and stated that of the two B was vastly more important than option A. Unfortunately for Cavaliers fans, they went with option A and came up well short of an NBA title. Let's just rewind and look at some of the decisions which are forcing the Cavs to bank on hometown loyalty and not "Opportunity to Win". Last year the Cavs biggest offseason decision was what to do with free agent Anderson Varejao. They could let him go and save the cap room or they could keep him on the roster to appease Lebron, they chose to sign him to a 6 year deal. Wh...