Manny has been voted by the fans to represent the American League as the starting left fielder. He puts up the numbers year after year, and after a slow start Manny now phenomenal numbers .312 23 and 63 Rbis. It's obvious that most Major League fans hold him in high regard and that Red Sox fans throughout the northeast stuff the ballots to get him into the game. But for another year there are rumors floating around that Manny is not going to go. That poor ole Manny's knee is bothering him and it needs rest. Yep I'm sure it is you've been taking so many weeks off and your numbers are so terrible because of it. Oh wait, your batting average of .312 is higher than it has been at any other point of the season.
Terry Francona is also a chump for covering Manny's back, just come out and say that Manny does not want to play in the All Star game don't make excuses. If Manny's knee has been so much of a problem this season why has he only missed 4 games the whole season? He's getting two days off during the break anyway and he surely will only play for a few innings. I'm sure that will put a lot of stress on that knee.
I agree with Buster Olney, Manny next year should not be included on the ballet, if he doesn't want to go to the game then screw him. I'd rather see someone voted into the game as a starter that will show up. It should be an honor that fans around the country want you above anyone else to play, but he treats it as a waste of time.
So for the Manny Ramirez of baseball and the many others out there that just say no to the All Star game, I say go F yourself.