For those of you that haven't watched Sportscenter in over a day Greg Anderson when asked to testify against Bonds in Barry's perjury case has decided to go to jail instead of testifying. Here are some possibilities for Greg's loyalty to Bonds.
1) Barry told Greg that he was going to give him a signed picture and that he would be one of the lucky few to get one for free. Little did Greg know Barry had his fingers crossed behind his back.
2) Barry promised to get dressed up in his Paula Abdul getup and provide Greg with... singing lessons and perhaps a little tuning.
3) Barry said Greg would get a weeks pass to swim in Bonds' money pool ala Scrooge McDuck.
4) A Year Long Supply of B12 shots from Miguel Tejada's vendor.
5) Barry really never knowingly took steroids, Greg just wants to prove this by not telling the Grand Jury.
6) Barry told Greg that he could have a recurring role on Bonds on Bonds.
7) The Food is free in jail, didn't you know that, Greg does.
8) All he could think of when someone asked him to Testify was the fact that Rage Against the Machine broke up, this made Greg cry and refuse to talk.
9) Only needs one more month in Jail for his I spent 4 months in Jail bumper sticker, the I spent three months in jail bumper sitcker is pink and is a little too feminin, the four month one is dark purple.
10) Greg was guaranteed a life size Bonds blow up doll with pump up biceceps and forehead.
11) Got a shipment of Crystal Clear and Hand Cream as pre-payment for his not testifying. Didn't realize that these were not steroids so he agreed.
12) The Boys are in love.
1) Barry told Greg that he was going to give him a signed picture and that he would be one of the lucky few to get one for free. Little did Greg know Barry had his fingers crossed behind his back.
2) Barry promised to get dressed up in his Paula Abdul getup and provide Greg with... singing lessons and perhaps a little tuning.
3) Barry said Greg would get a weeks pass to swim in Bonds' money pool ala Scrooge McDuck.
4) A Year Long Supply of B12 shots from Miguel Tejada's vendor.
5) Barry really never knowingly took steroids, Greg just wants to prove this by not telling the Grand Jury.
6) Barry told Greg that he could have a recurring role on Bonds on Bonds.
7) The Food is free in jail, didn't you know that, Greg does.
8) All he could think of when someone asked him to Testify was the fact that Rage Against the Machine broke up, this made Greg cry and refuse to talk.
9) Only needs one more month in Jail for his I spent 4 months in Jail bumper sticker, the I spent three months in jail bumper sitcker is pink and is a little too feminin, the four month one is dark purple.
10) Greg was guaranteed a life size Bonds blow up doll with pump up biceceps and forehead.
11) Got a shipment of Crystal Clear and Hand Cream as pre-payment for his not testifying. Didn't realize that these were not steroids so he agreed.
12) The Boys are in love.
