~Furthermore in Pacman news, his lawyers case for why Pacman Jones should not get suspended is simply, look at all the other scumbags that are in the NFL, and they don't get suspended.
~Note to Tank Johnson, do not go to a strip club or carry any unregistered firearms next week when you are set to meet the commish.
~How bad have the NBA playoffs been this year? This second round thus far has been miserable. The Bulls Pistons series looked like it had some potential, but the Bulls decided they didn't want to show up at all. The Jazz look like they should be able to take care of the Warriors, and who likes watching the Jazz. And the Cavs Nets series is not exciting at all. Lebron maybe the greatest talent in the history of the NBA, but he's team is so blah. I don't like watching the Cavs at all. And to further the annoying NBA playoff scheduling the Suns and Spurs have 3 days off in between games. Long travel between Phoenix and San Antonio...

~So much for the Blue Jays competing in the AL East, you might as well stick a fork in them. They are already 10.5 back, and in the middle of a 9 game losing streak. They're ace Roy Halladay was rocked last night against the Sox and their stud close B.J. is out for the season. I bet the owner is please he gave J.P. the go ahead to add big time free agents two years ago. Thus far, Ryan will have played 1 out of 2 seasons, and Burnett will have missed much of 2006 and was nothing special while he was in there.

~The rumor is that Clemens will make his debut at Fenway, personally I highly doubt this is going to happen. It would certainly make for a good storyline, but I just don't see Clemens being thrust into the flames his first start back in pinstripes.
~ESPN polled their 'expert' college basketball announcers and surprise the most underachieving team in the past ten years was Michigan. 4 of the 5 experts had Michigan as the most underachieving team, and then there's Jay Bilas who did not even have them in the top 10. That boggles my mind, I know he was a teammate of Amaker, and a fellow assistant coach with him at Duke, but he of all people should know how miserable Michigan has been these past few years. Not making an NCAA tournament this decade, is not acceptable for a team with a national title and two finals appearances in the last 20 years.

~The TPC is this week? Wow that flew under the radar, I had no idea that was happening this week, shows me how much I think of Golf's 'Fifth' major.
Mort was on Cowherd's show today saying pacman was pulled over monday for speeding at 1245am, 45 minutes after his curfew