A little over a month ago Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson went on their quest to ban
Imus from the media. Sharpton and Jackson saw an opportunity to exploit a white versus black issue no matter how insignificant it may have been. In the past month there have been two things that I have stumbled upon that have seriously called for black leadership to respond and take action, but apparently because white people weren't the crime committees, Jackson and Sharpton didn't need to pop their ugly little heads into the mix. The first occurred early this month in which a black girl was murdered by two black men over a friggin
Game of Monopoly. Doesn't that just scream out we need to do something as a community, when someone gets murdered over a border game. But that didn't bring forth any black leaders.
Then there's this crime which happened in January and is straight out of
a Horror Film. Not only were there no black leaders there when this went done, but somehow someway it's been multiple months since its occurrence and I only found out about it today because of a link on
The Big Lead. If the roles were reversed how many milliseconds would it take for those two to get down to Tennessee and preach white hatred, maybe 3. The first available flight?

This country will never be devoid of racism and racial tension when the media so blatantly skews it's media coverage towards white on black crimes, and to a certain extent disregards the reversal. Why would the average white man not see this as ludicrous? Three words got a man fired because two "leaders" of a minority went on a witch hunt and put every single resource they had into getting the man canned. Meanwhile a group of 4 make the sickest torture film you could possibly imagine on two white college students yet you do not here a single peep from the black powers or a peep from the media. There will never be equality without the attempt of both sides treating things equality, and since it is apparent that people like Sharpton and Jackson are unwilling to do so, well than they should further expect to push some white people in the wrong direction.