High School Bad Asses
So I get into the stadium about 5 minutes before the first pitch and we're sitting around (my father, myself, my little sister and my girlfriend an evil Red Sox fan) and to for the first half inning there is really no body around us until mid inning when a whole high school came in and surrounded my seats. The kids were definitely upper high school, and thought they were epically cool. One kid snuck in a bottle of Smirnoff, and was in the bag immediately. He walked into the row, sat down for a half an inning, then decided to go to the bathroom, fell on his way out on some random dude's head in the row in front of him, and the kid never showed up for the remainder of the game. Whoops. Then for the next few innings the high schoolers were getting some guys in their high 20s to buy them beer and they all lit up their cigarettes.
On of the high schoolers was the exact replica of Turtle from Entourage in his high school years, including they attire that Turtle wears. He started getting a bit rowdy and was a proud displayer of his middle digits. Eventually in around the 6th him and one of his other buddies who was definitely a jackass both got thrown out, and the high schoolers were then instantaneously less annoying.
If it was legal I'm pretty sure my father would have stood up and punted one of their heads.
Welcome to the Chess Club

Annoying Sox Fans
Back in college there were the sane Red Sox fans (Tone) and their were the illogical Sox fans (Conidi). The ones that would celebrate like they just won the AL East after they hit a solo homer to cut the deficit to 4. Well nearby, there was a group of Sox fans jumping up and down waving their Dominican flags yelling like they were dominating the game, after every basehit. It was very annoying. To further explain how annoying these guys were, they were all wearing Ortiz t-shirts, but one of them had a light blue polo shirt underneath the t-shirt and was popping the color through it. Loser.
Too Many to Count
All in all there were way too many people during the game thrown out to count. From the 5th inning on you could just hear chants around the entire stadium and see the security running to spots where conflicts were starting. A brawl broke out by the right field foul pole which you could see a few haymakers being thrown. In my section alone the three high schoolers were booted, 2 fans that were throwing M&Ms at Red Sox fans were booted (they even hit a little girl who was a Sox fan), one guy got hit in the head by a 1/2 a beer and got soaked and started talking trash to the guy who hit him but did nothing because he would have gotten dropped with one punch, a few girls got kicked out, etc.
The Game
As for the Game, Wang managed to work out of a ton of jams and didn't appear to have the best control. Wakefield on the other hand, who had the Yanks number prior to the Boone homer, appears to just get owned by the Yanks now. The Arod homer in the first was a bomb, so was the Giambi homer and for the most part the Yankees his the ball hard off him. The Red Sox missed out on many opportunities to score runs and that was that.
In the End

Oh and for the most part Yankee fans are complete assholes...