~The Papelboner took a mild hit around Red Sox nation last night with his first blown save of the season, coughing up a 2 run dong to Travis Buck.
~As for the whole Hancock car accident and whether or not he was drunk and that caused his car accident, I just feel as if that's beating on a dead grave. What's the great benefit of finding out that his BAC was a few ticks over the legal limit. K he shouldnt drink anymore.
~Same goes for the conclusion of why Cory Lidle's plane crashed, pilot error. That was pretty evident from the get-go.
~Golden St. went lame last night in the 4 quarter up by 9 with 3+ to go, which I can't say I'm pleased about. One thing they can take from the game is that they were getting crushed in the first half and then should have one minus the choking and Dirk actually looking like an MVP to close the game out. I've got no idea what to expect in game 6.
~Keyshawn getting cut three days after telling Jarrett he was going to mentor him is quite funny. John Clayton came out and said that Johnson would have a difficult time finding a job, I have a hard time believing that and actually think that Johnson cares more about his career stats than cash at this point. This is a guy who said he was better than Michael Irvin, and he's explicitly stated he wants 1000 receptions, which he's gonna need 2 1/2 seasons to get. Therefore he needs on a roster asap. Someone will sign him well before the season starts at a discount.

~More radio guys getting canned for off color comments. In San Antonio a radio producer through out a skit where a fake Allen Iverson was seeking sex from Mexican Women and shooting homeless people. My guess is the skit was probably completely classless and funny.
~Chelsea got bounced yesterday on PKs in the Champions League and have grabbed back to back draws in the Premiership to fall behind Man U by 5 points in the league. So... Basically they didn't hold up their end of the bargain on this whole champions clash in may I was calling for.
~Rich Eisan needs a new email address.
~I had this huge problem with the NBA playoffs start times last year, and considering the Mavs and Warriors game tips off at 10:30 tomorrow, ya I won't be watching the conclusion.
~The Rangers got worse tv marks then the golf tournament and NASCAR this weekend, is there any doubt that basically no one cares about hockey. Soon enough the NHL will be completely banished to Versus, a channel no normal person gets or knows they have.
~Refs in the nba apparently call more fouls on black guys than white guys, um ya? A) There are more black people in the NBA. B) These black players typically get more playing time than the Scalabrine's and Jeff Fosters of the world. C) There are more Stephen Jackson's and Ron Artest's of the world than Bill Lambeer's of the league. So whats the story? I highly doubt that that more than 5% of the reason blacks are called for more fouls in the NBA are because of discrimination or racism. My guess is past confrontations is the biggest reason behind a lot of the discrepencies.