~The Red Sox did stage a massive comeback in the 9th inning yesterday to pull out a victory, which was capped when I saw my buddy last night who went, so I went to the Sox game today, and I left after the 8th. Whoops.
~The Yanks continue to suck, and couldn't score runs yesterday off friggin Horacio Ramirez. You're kidding me right? And let the Yankees brutality begin, here is their upcoming schedule... 3 at ChiSox, 3 at Mets, 3 vs. Boston, 3 vs. Angels, 3 at Toronto, 3 at Boston, 4 at ChiSox... So the Yanks need to get it in gear this month or they could find themselves 15 games out come mid June.
~The A's traded for super minor leaguer Jack Cust a little over a week ago, and the guy has 6 homers in 26 at bats including a walk off home run yesterday against Injuns.

~So after Henry Owens went on the DL there were rumors Jorge Julio was going to get the closers job back, then he gives up a granny on saturday, and well I guess not. He was traded to Colorado yesterday in exchange for BK Kim. What the heck are the Marlins gonna do with BK?
~Talk about friggin weird the Pakistani cricket coach that was supposedly strangled to death in his hotel room following a loss to Ireland is now being reported to have died via Natural causes. Scotland Yard officials examined the remains and concluded that heart failure and not strangulation was the cause of death. And the plot thickens, I can't imagine that this will take much more than a year to be a made for TV movie in the UK/Australia.
~Lefty won another tournament woo. Amount of time I spent watching the TPC this weekend? Zero Seconds, so I offer zero analysis other than seeing the highlights of O'hare dumping it in the drink twice on 17. And my response is he had to go for the pin there, you have to try to win the tournament at the end of the day, no one ever will remember the fact you finished second at the TPC.

~Oh and he demanded a trade for a few minutes. Brett how were you not a free agent? Did you have to sign with the Packers?
~In NBA news, Bowen apparently kneed Nash in the groin, I havent seen the video yet. Two series are at 3-1 and effectively over with the Jazz and Pistons most likely shutting the door at home in their next games. And the Nets and Suns have must wins down 2-1 in their next games. If these teams lose then they are also effectively done.
