~David Stern kept on harping that the rule is the rule and that he must enforce it and then said stuff like the rule my not be fair. You are the commissioner David, your job is to do what's best for the sport of basketball. By suspending Amare and Diaw, you sacrificed the iintegrity of a game in the most important series you will have in the entire playoffs. You failed your league this week, by failing to work outside the box and bend a few rules.

~To further my annoyance with NBA basketball that game didn't tip off until 10:30. No other sport tips off that late. The NLCS and ALCS first pitch is around 8:30 9, regardless of the coast. The Superbowl is at 6. The Tennis and golf finals are in the afternoon. The NCAA tourny with the exception of the opening rounds is done by midniight. This game tipped off after 10:30 and most likely lingered until 1 am. I can't watch that and not be miserable the next day at work.
~The Nets beat the Cavs cause Lebron got injured and no one cares. The Nets have no fans and the Cavs despite having Lebron are a completely uninteresting squad.

~JJ Hardy has surpassed his home run totals of any season in his major or minor league career, and it's May 17th. Find the logic in that one.
~I'm going to the Sox Yanks game on monday, so A) It better not rain and B) I better see better pitchers than Julian Tavarez and Matt Desalvo, cause that would suck big time.
~Oddly enough right now I'm pretty much just annoyed with sports. The NBA is a disgrace, the Yankees are difficult to watch and root for with how horrendous they have been playing lately, the NHL doesn't exist to me anymore because it's no longer on stations I actually get, and that pretty much sums up whats going on in the sports world right now.