Save the best for last NFL, I appreciate your kindness. For the neutral fan this has got to be the most interesting game, the best postseason QB of the generation versus the coolest and most talented player in the NFL. And to think after this game finishes 24 will start minutes later, oh glorious sunday.
Steroids over Golden Boy
In their attempt to blitz the shit out of Tom Brady, the Jets hit him approximately twice. Pretty much a miserable failure on their part. Now will the Chargers try a similar blitzing approach or will they rely on the Pencil Headed Bear, Shawne Merriman, for a pass rush. My guess is they show more looks and mix between blitz and straight 4 man rush especially after watching the Pats so routinely pick up the blitz last week.
Dream Hasn't Come to Fruition
My Dream of Tom Brady getting run over by a monster truck has not come to fruition and that does not bode well for the team hailing from a Whale's Vagina. Last week Brady picked apart the Jets secondary as easily as toothpicking away that piece of meat stuck in your teeth. Any reason to think Brady will remotely struggle in sunny San Diego? I'll go with no.
Bend But Don't Break
For those of you who didn't watch the Jet Pat game last week and just look at the score and figure it was a blowout, well you're pretty much wrong. In fact the Jets offense had their way with the Pats defense, in between the 20s that is. Once the Jets reached the red zone the Pats quickly buckled down and held the Jets to field goals. But thats the Jets, not the Chargers who pack the greatest redzone weapon in the history of football. If the Pats defense doesn't play better than last week than the Chargers will put up a lot of points, and everything will be thrown on Brady's shoulders.
The Generally Unused Beast
Where has Antonio Gates been this season? Man am I glad that I didn't waste my 3rd round fantasy pick on him. Perhaps it was the reliance on LT in the redzone, and everywhere else for that matter. Perhaps the move from Brees to Rivers eliminated a little of his feel with the QB. Who knows the exact reason, but he wasn't heads and shoulders above the other TEs in the league this year. Perhaps he should be included into the gameplay this weekend as I don't see anybody on the Patriots, especially with Harrison out being able to man him up.
Marty Ball Criteria
Marty has 12 losses in his postseason career. 9 of them coming against Hall of Fame QBs (Marino, Elway, Moon, Kelly). Hmm, sound like the stage is set, perhaps Tom Brady is in line for the Hall of Fame someday. Perhaps Tom Brady, leader of Superbowl winning drives, could lead a last minute drive against Marty?
Losers Win Now Theme of the Millenium
Red Sox, White Sox, Boeheim, Roy Williams, Cowher, Mack Brown, Larry Brown, etc. This is the decade for the losers to win the big one. So Why not Marty? If all of those guys/teams could win chanpionships now then why the hell not Marty?
The Jets Curse
Biggest thing working against the Pats? The Jets Curse. Now you may be thinking to yourself, "Huh a Jets curse, what the hell are you talking about, must you always bring the Jets into a conversation they don't belong." Well, yes. But here's the Jets Curse, pretty simple, no team in the NFL has ever lost a game to the New York Jets and gone on to win the Superbowl that season. Thus the Patriots lost out on their opportunity to win the Superbowl on November 12th.
The Pick
Well this makes it 4 for 4 in picks against the Sports Guy and the what seems to be the average thoughts of America, but I don't see the Pats stopping LT. After last week I just wasn't impressed with how the Pats defense played and think with Merriman and Castillo and co. the Chargers will be able to put more pressure on Brady than the Jets were able to do last week.
Steroids over Golden Boy
In their attempt to blitz the shit out of Tom Brady, the Jets hit him approximately twice. Pretty much a miserable failure on their part. Now will the Chargers try a similar blitzing approach or will they rely on the Pencil Headed Bear, Shawne Merriman, for a pass rush. My guess is they show more looks and mix between blitz and straight 4 man rush especially after watching the Pats so routinely pick up the blitz last week.
Dream Hasn't Come to Fruition
My Dream of Tom Brady getting run over by a monster truck has not come to fruition and that does not bode well for the team hailing from a Whale's Vagina. Last week Brady picked apart the Jets secondary as easily as toothpicking away that piece of meat stuck in your teeth. Any reason to think Brady will remotely struggle in sunny San Diego? I'll go with no.
Bend But Don't Break
For those of you who didn't watch the Jet Pat game last week and just look at the score and figure it was a blowout, well you're pretty much wrong. In fact the Jets offense had their way with the Pats defense, in between the 20s that is. Once the Jets reached the red zone the Pats quickly buckled down and held the Jets to field goals. But thats the Jets, not the Chargers who pack the greatest redzone weapon in the history of football. If the Pats defense doesn't play better than last week than the Chargers will put up a lot of points, and everything will be thrown on Brady's shoulders.
The Generally Unused Beast

Marty Ball Criteria
Marty has 12 losses in his postseason career. 9 of them coming against Hall of Fame QBs (Marino, Elway, Moon, Kelly). Hmm, sound like the stage is set, perhaps Tom Brady is in line for the Hall of Fame someday. Perhaps Tom Brady, leader of Superbowl winning drives, could lead a last minute drive against Marty?
Losers Win Now Theme of the Millenium
Red Sox, White Sox, Boeheim, Roy Williams, Cowher, Mack Brown, Larry Brown, etc. This is the decade for the losers to win the big one. So Why not Marty? If all of those guys/teams could win chanpionships now then why the hell not Marty?
The Jets Curse
Biggest thing working against the Pats? The Jets Curse. Now you may be thinking to yourself, "Huh a Jets curse, what the hell are you talking about, must you always bring the Jets into a conversation they don't belong." Well, yes. But here's the Jets Curse, pretty simple, no team in the NFL has ever lost a game to the New York Jets and gone on to win the Superbowl that season. Thus the Patriots lost out on their opportunity to win the Superbowl on November 12th.
The Pick
