My opinion, tough shit Pats fans. The Chargers can sell their tickets to whomever they want. Sure it seems awfully pathetic that the Chargers fans won't flock to Ticketmaster and scoop up these tickets in a matter of minutes (I looked for Pats tickets last week on the Wednesday the 3rd and standing room only was $100 bones) but this is their franchise's best chance ever to win a Superbowl. So what if establishing a half way decent homefield advantage requires front office work not required by any other team. It's friggin San Diego what do you expect, you can sit outside and relax any time in January in New England we're jumping up and down with joy over the fact we haven't gotten any snow yet.
Hell if you read further in the article the Bears did the same exact thing. And I would guess that the Bears have absolutely no problem selling tickets for their playoff games. And if they did they could always solve that by including a complementary set of darts and a poster of Rex Grossman.
Here's the facts if you're traveling to San Diego as a Pat fan to go to the game you're dropping about 5 Bills on the plane ticket anyway plus 2 Bills on hotel fees, just drop the extra 100 to 150 bucks on a Stubhub ticket than you would have on Ticketmaster. Enjoy the weather and while you there run over Brady with your Rent-A-Car.
And I'm Ron Burgundy. Go ---- yourself, San Diego.
Simone's drinking the hatorade again.