What happenned to the Pacers? The Pacers were a really good team a few years ago right before the brawl, they were arguably the best and at worst the second best team in the East and now what are they. Jermaine O'Neal and a bunch of guys that aren't very good. What the hell was the point in going out and signing Al Harrington during free agency. They have a winning record now and are positioned in the playoffs? I guess they don't mind trading away 3 of their top 6 scorers. Um Ok.
And the Warriors with big Don Nelson have stopped killed Troy Murphy and his fantasy value and Dunleavy stinks so I see the deal from the talent standpoint, but you really think Stephen Jackson is going to do anything but tank team chemistry? You think makes you a viable playoff team. Um how about no.
So a simple sum up of this trade is the Warriors receive a player who is due for an assault once he romes the streets of Oakland for a few minutes and the Pacers become more overrated and white. In the end it's more volume than impact.