In essence Beckhams contract of $50 million per would make him the highest paid team athlete in america in the least popular sport, and would have him earning more money than every other player in the MLS combined. Yes, combined.
And what exactly is this going to bring the MLS is my question. I mean I could understand a 10 million dollar a year contract or something along those measures, for the most famous, yet certainly not the most skilled, soccer player in the world. But 50 million just seems foolish. Soccer is a team sport and no single player can make a game entertaining, the acquiring of Beckham makes one team in MLS the buzz team, and gives more people to attend the game, but the buzz will wear off. And come 2009 I doubt anyone in the states truly cares about the fact Beckham is playing in LA.
The Galaxy Owner was quoted as saying "David is truly the only individual that can build the bridge between soccer in America and the rest of the world." Um, false, no one in Europe is going to watch the MLS. Their leagues will continue to dwarf ours in talent level and world class players, just because you grab the biggest name doesn't mean people will care. It more likely means less British and Europeans will care about Beckham.
Perhaps I could be wrong, but to me this is one of the more foolish investments in American Sports History.