Essentially Andrea Kramer the interviewer asked Sheffield what organizations treat blacks differently and he said the Yanks. This all led to Kramer mentioning that the Yankees most prominent player was black to which Sheffield said, "Derek Jeter is black and white." When asked what the significance was he said, "There's really no significance. You just ain't all the way black." Amazing, did you hear that Derek you just ain't all the way black, that's why New York and Joe Torre like you.
As if that wasn't enough entertainment Sheffield later provided this gem when asked about steroid use:
"In a million years, I don't care what anybody says, steroids is something you shoot in your butt. I do know that . . . The bottom line is steroids is something you stick in your butt –- period."
Oh and if you thought that was it, here's this classic exchange with Kramer:
Near the start of the interview, Kramer asks Sheffield how one man can have so much chaos in his life. "Bad choice of women," he says.
"That's way weak, man," Kramer says. "All the turmoil in your life is because of women?"
"Yeah," he says.
People are probably going to run with this and start criticizing Sheffield like they typically do, but for a brief moment can we all simply just enjoy Sheffield. Honestly in todays sporting world a good quote and topic of discussion is hard to come by. Not many players will come out and say controversial things and when they do they try to cover it up like they didn't really mean it (See Albert Pujols). Sheffield on the other hand always says something outlandish and I for one aim grateful.
"I tell myself every offseason I'm not going to say anything crazy. I'm just going to have a peaceful season . . . Can't do it. I'm cut from a different cloth."
Cheers to you Gary for being a complete ass and thanks for letting us know that you've never stuck anything in your butt.
Curtousy of Newsday
And If you Would Like to Rehash Some of His Classics