Every year I take a look across the major 4 American Professional leagues to see just what kind of superb merchandise they are trying to pawn off on you on St. Patrick's day. Buy this shirt which you can wear in relevance for exactly one day during the year. Every other day you will look like an idiot for wearing green apparel for a team who's actual colors are Black and Gold.

The NHL Provides you with some of the worst of the St. Patty's day merchandise. First you have the boy shorts for the lady of your life with a bunch of clovers and then a random Blackhawks logo (These are available for NFL Teams as well). Next you have the puck which for whatever reason I actually like, probably because its not something you wear. Finally and worst of all, you have the new GRAPHIC-T which is god awful. Nothing says St. Patrick's Day like the San Jose Sharks.

The NBA is much more muted than the NHL. Most NBA teams really don't have more than two Green Items sold for St. Patty's. The items I could find include the retro Pistons had which is pre faded to make it look like you can wear it more than once a year, a Cavs t-shirt which would probably be cool if it was in Orange and didn't include a shamrock and a Knicks t-shirt which is both boring and horrible. Terrific combo.

The NFL likes to appeal to your drinking side so they have included Irish Pub signs complete with your favorite NFL teams logo. After that you get to the Cleveland Browns hat with their troll mascot guy and finally to the Denver Broncos black t-shirt which is horrible but not nearly as bad as the NHL Graphic-T.

The MLB and the Yankees unsurprisingly bring the most god awful hat in creation. Lets turn the Yankee hat into an Irish flag and then make it even worse by not even making it a fitted hat. Why? The MLB of course doesn't stop there. You can also get a Phillies shamrock flag with a big logo in the middle in Phillies traditional colors. Go fly that flag with pride! If they replaced the shamrocks with Cheese Steaks it would be much more appropriate. Lastly we get to the Cardinals Green Jacket which is what Tony Larussa will likely be wearing when he falls asleep at a red light after too many Guinness pints.
So which of these leagues do you think provide the worst of the worst for green fashion day?
Here's a look at 2009 and 2008's Apparel.

The NHL Provides you with some of the worst of the St. Patty's day merchandise. First you have the boy shorts for the lady of your life with a bunch of clovers and then a random Blackhawks logo (These are available for NFL Teams as well). Next you have the puck which for whatever reason I actually like, probably because its not something you wear. Finally and worst of all, you have the new GRAPHIC-T which is god awful. Nothing says St. Patrick's Day like the San Jose Sharks.

The NBA is much more muted than the NHL. Most NBA teams really don't have more than two Green Items sold for St. Patty's. The items I could find include the retro Pistons had which is pre faded to make it look like you can wear it more than once a year, a Cavs t-shirt which would probably be cool if it was in Orange and didn't include a shamrock and a Knicks t-shirt which is both boring and horrible. Terrific combo.

The NFL likes to appeal to your drinking side so they have included Irish Pub signs complete with your favorite NFL teams logo. After that you get to the Cleveland Browns hat with their troll mascot guy and finally to the Denver Broncos black t-shirt which is horrible but not nearly as bad as the NHL Graphic-T.

The MLB and the Yankees unsurprisingly bring the most god awful hat in creation. Lets turn the Yankee hat into an Irish flag and then make it even worse by not even making it a fitted hat. Why? The MLB of course doesn't stop there. You can also get a Phillies shamrock flag with a big logo in the middle in Phillies traditional colors. Go fly that flag with pride! If they replaced the shamrocks with Cheese Steaks it would be much more appropriate. Lastly we get to the Cardinals Green Jacket which is what Tony Larussa will likely be wearing when he falls asleep at a red light after too many Guinness pints.
So which of these leagues do you think provide the worst of the worst for green fashion day?
Here's a look at 2009 and 2008's Apparel.