Every single second this Benoit story branches out into something different over the past few days here are just a few of the things that have come to light.
1. Mom Says Benoit Should Have Been Charged for Steroid Use
Basically the semblance of this story line is that the DEA had known for a given period of time that he was a steroid user and his mother believes that had they arrested him this would not have happened. Most likely a correct assumption. However, the DEA basically tries to assemble a case to take out the distributors of drugs rather than the users and had they arrested Benoit it would have been out of character and one really can't have possibly foreseen this crime at the DEA.
2. Benoit May Have Used Crippler Crossface
This is the most horrendous part of the story. It is believed that due to the bruises on the child that Benoit may in fact have killed his son using his signature wrestling move. This just takes the dementia and the craziness of Benoit to another level. I can't imagine someone being normal and snapping to the point where they kill their son with their own wrestling move. There had to be some sort of clues that he was a messed up man.
3. Mark Fuhrman Says It Wasn't a Murder-Suicide
Yes the Mark Fuhrman that helped OJ get off is actually an analyst on Fox News who friggin knew. The Wikipedia posting is overly curious however one would think the cops actually on the scene wouldn't F something up that bad. Here's the video below of him saying that he thinks there was probably someone else involved.
4. The Ultimate Warrior Talks Steroid Use
And Finally the Ultimate Warrior was on the same show proclaiming the difference between use and abuse of steroids etc. While most of the discussion between the the interviewers and "The Warrior" is incoherent the main point that I got out of it is that linking steroids to the cause of this tragedy just might be nonsense. You would have to believe that thousands upon thousands of athletes and wrestlers have taken the drugs in the past 20 years, and while its obvious that some of it have led to the premature deaths of the wrestlers, nothing close to this has ever happened. It makes me think that the roid rage angle is overly media driven and does not have much basis in the argument.
1. Mom Says Benoit Should Have Been Charged for Steroid Use

2. Benoit May Have Used Crippler Crossface
This is the most horrendous part of the story. It is believed that due to the bruises on the child that Benoit may in fact have killed his son using his signature wrestling move. This just takes the dementia and the craziness of Benoit to another level. I can't imagine someone being normal and snapping to the point where they kill their son with their own wrestling move. There had to be some sort of clues that he was a messed up man.
3. Mark Fuhrman Says It Wasn't a Murder-Suicide
Yes the Mark Fuhrman that helped OJ get off is actually an analyst on Fox News who friggin knew. The Wikipedia posting is overly curious however one would think the cops actually on the scene wouldn't F something up that bad. Here's the video below of him saying that he thinks there was probably someone else involved.
4. The Ultimate Warrior Talks Steroid Use
And Finally the Ultimate Warrior was on the same show proclaiming the difference between use and abuse of steroids etc. While most of the discussion between the the interviewers and "The Warrior" is incoherent the main point that I got out of it is that linking steroids to the cause of this tragedy just might be nonsense. You would have to believe that thousands upon thousands of athletes and wrestlers have taken the drugs in the past 20 years, and while its obvious that some of it have led to the premature deaths of the wrestlers, nothing close to this has ever happened. It makes me think that the roid rage angle is overly media driven and does not have much basis in the argument.