So on my first journey to the gym this morning I head to the treadmill for a little warm up mile to wake my sorry ass up. Then after the mile run I search for the Water Fountain to hydrate, something I in general find very useful while working out. Much to my dismay there is no "bubbler" to be found. So I head downstairs and start doing some not so heavy lifting with essentially a mouth that feels like the beach. Eventually I can't take it any more so I head to the locker room and start paddling water in my mouth like a fucking dog.
So naturally my question is why in the world would a gym, where water is fucking essential, not have a water fountain? What god damn asshole thought that was a good idea? Get a workout while seriously dehydrating yourself! Great idea. I hope they cover my emergency room bill the next time I forget my water bottle and pass out on the treadmill.