1. Once again UConn has yet to win by anything other than double digits. At this point triple digits may just be more of likely scenario than a single digit game.
2. Their current average victory is 39 points which is 7 more than last years 32.
3. They have doubled up their opponents 7 times in 20 games. They even TRIPLED two.
4. Their average victory over ranked teams is 25+ while their average victory over a non-ranked team is 45 and their minimum victory over a non-ranked team is 25.
Doesn't this get boring after awhile? I as a nationally ranked Connect 4 player would get bored playing mere mortals on a daily basis and would seek out the best of the best. Perhaps the UConn women should just move to the WNBA or better yet the Patriot League in Men's basketball and see if they can get in the tournament.
The entire game by game chart after the jump...
