So apparently Manny is in desperate need for cash and is selling his
grill on eBay. And you also get a free signed ball. Apparently Manny is on the road a lot, who knew, and he is unable to truly use his grill which probably is located at one of his many homes. I'm going to admit it, as a Yankee fan I think Manny Ramirez is friggin sweet. I don't care that he's flaky as hell, I think he's hilarious. From the disappearing into the Green Monster, to the mp3 sunglasses, to selling his grill on eBay the guy is hilarious. And he always hits .325 with 35 Hrs 130 Rbis.
The best part of this whole thing is that he's going to make a big profit on it. He put it on only a few days ago and it's already over what he initially paid for it. Why wouldn't you just go out get a new grill and buy a Manny signed ball or bat at some Sports memorabilia shop.
Conclusion: Manny Ramirez is a funny guy.
Lobell said that just like Manny, the grill will run out of gas in September.