~How funny is it that Danny Ainge got fined 30,000 for sitting next to the Durant's at the Big 12 championships.
~Speaking of the Celtics why in the world are they going out and beating the Spurs on the road, shouldn't that be an automatic loss, what the hell are they doing?
~Tommy Amaker got fired, finally, now the Wolverines should pick up a coach who actually gets teams to the the dance. I hope Tubby Smith gets fired and heads up to Ann Arbor. Sure he probably won't bring a national title, but he'll get them to the friggin tourny, and he'll win in the first round.
~David Wells is somehow going to 'beat" Diabetes, interesting I didn't know there was a cure. Anyway here's a quote "Blah, blah, blah... I've cut out alcohol." What, Boomer no, how are you going to throw not hungover, that does not seem like the correct gameplan. Might have to rethink this fight against Type 2.
~I hate friggin snow, it sucks.