To me High School was nothing more than a grind of doing nothing. I went to school everyday did my homework every period for the class next period, read as much cliff notes as possible didn't quite become a partyer until college. So to sum it up the only thing I remotely missed about High School when I entered the best drunkest 4 years of my life was my high school baseball team. The College team just wasn't the same, I grew up with the kids on my high school team, had played with them forever and even rotted the bench on a Little League State Championship in which we finished 3 games away from the World Series. So without baseball I would have fully hated high school instead of just plain ready to get out of town at the conclusion.
Well last week in
Stoneham Mass, population 22,219, just north of Boston, they have decided to
cut their high school sports programs, to which I say you people are evil. They didn't eliminate a struggling sport here or an expensive sport there, no they went across the board and eliminated everything, there will not be a single ball kicked, thrown, or caught competitively in Stoneham.
I know that if I was living in Stoneham I would immediately have shipped myself to a local prep school to play ball, and in my future years whenever I may or may not have children, I will be living in a town that offers the full gamut of sports.
The student population in grades 9-12 is approximately 875, and Lahiff reports that 70 percent of the kids play a sport at some time during high school. A lot of the other kids take great joy just going to the games. Now it's gone.
70% of kids, and the other 30% are going to the football games and pounding a few 40s under the stands, and making smoking up prior. And you're going to take that away from them. The High School year is still months away, Stoneham get on your horse and get a brain, you are a town 17 minutes north of Boston, aka a suburb, you should have boatloads of money. Just get it done.
Note: How goofy is the mustachioed mascot of my high school.
Note #2: Here's the Website Created by the People Who are Obviously Pissed Off by this
Its really the kids who are suffering. What needs to happen is school systems stop paying outlandish pension plans to retired teachers... if a superintendent has 30 years then retires, he makes 80 percent of his salary every year for the rest of his life. And superintendents make well over 125K a year. This policy is the same all the way down.
Unions are ultimately the root cause of this.