Then I guess the execs upstairs finally decided that Smith needed a partner, and I guess they somehow came to the conclusion that Smith could use a co host who was almost as deafening as Stephen A and even more annoying. And so they pinpointed Mike Missanelli, a Philly guy who was canned last year for basically starting a fight with his producer.
I don't think this guy ever says anything positive ever. If the Yanks are winning it's cause they're playing bums, if the Mets are losing he'll say that they're tormented with injuries but when a caller comes in and says the same thing they rip him saying he's being soft. It is absolutely unbelievable that a man could come on and make Stephen A's annoying moments look tame.
Basically a daily segment now, is some Blind Yankee fan calling in annoyed at Missanelli equating their hot streak to their impeding World Series victory, allowing Missanelli to dump all over the guy being an idiot. Any actual analysis would be appreciated.
So, please if you know of any sports talk radio show that's a decent listen from 12-2 let me know, I'm overly sick of the brain damage Missanelli leaves me with daily.
Every time I turned on the radio, and heard his voice I cringed. He is possibly the worst sports radio guy ever.
He used to constantly rip the Eagles front office, and then defend the lowly Sixers. He would actually go into full detail on what Donovan McNabb was thinking about different things, and come to illogical rash conclusions from them.
I wanted to just call him up, and scream out, "you're not a mind reader moron! Get a real source before you spill out this garbage!".
When he got fired I was extremely happy. Especially since WIP brought back Steve Martarno to team, up again with Anthony Gargano. They are much more enjoyable to listen to now, even though Steve is a Red Sox fan.
Screamin A., and Mikey Miss together. Ouch! That must be painful to the ears. You would probably need a bottle of whiskey, and pain killers to make it through that shout fest.