~CGB is back and posting and unearthed the fact that ESPN is continuing to attempt to further their global dominance by buying the worlds friggin largest cricket site. I don't know whether you have ever attempted to watch cricket or not, if you have I'm sorry you were not forewarned, if you haven't please for the sake of your own sanity never watch it. It's agony, it's horrendously boring. If you are a big time baseball fan you will find it boring, if you don't like baseball cause you think it's slow and boring, then I'd be willing to bet you'd rather watch paint dry. Unless you really really really like tea and crumpets.
~In more cricket news, that Pakistani coach apparently was not murdered, so that in essence ruins what would have been a sweet made for TV murder mystery.

~The whole Dale Jr. DEI cross is over and he will join rival Hendrick motor sports. This just might be one of the stupidest in family conflicts in the history of racing and I guarantee Dale Sr. is fuming in his grave over the fact that his wife and son couldn't agree to anything. Just all around dumb.
~Boo to no Pac Man this season after he dropped his appeal.
~I think Bonds hit a homer last night solely because my father an hour previous said that he read somewhere that Bonds might just be done, that he may have hit a wall and that he may not last the season nor break the record. And of course he hits a homer.
~ESPN.com not surprisingly has failed to mention how badly the NBA ratings sucked.

~Harold Reynolds will be working for the ole MLB, hopefully he does a better job of not taking his co-workers out to a chain restaurant and hugging them. He is definitely missed on Baseball Tonight though, especially with that lame Philips segment.