~Thank you KG for not wanting to play in Boston, I did not want you either and I will be much happier watching Big Al dominate the paint for the next ten years.
~What could possibly signify being the worst golfer on the planet? How about starting a fire that burned down 15 to 20 acres of land with one of your golf swings cause you duffed the previous shot in the woods?
~Apparently there is debate about which team Jews should like more the Yanks or the Red Sox and there's a big case that it should be for the Red Sox cause they have Youkilis and Epstein. But here's what I do know, when I went to the Yankee game last week there weren't just a couple of Jews in my section there were a boatload of Jews in my section and lets face it there's a lot more Jews in New York than Boston, and the Yankees do have more mon**, eh I won't go there.
~Baseball is just one hard friggin game to figure out. Josh Friggin Fogg shutting down the Yanks, in Coors? What come on, I mean I wouldn't put it past the Yanks to throw up double digits in the next two games, but getting shutdown by Josh Fogg, who blows, was frustrating. And then they get shutdown again? What the hell.
~Tom Hicks says he thinks Juan Gonzalez took steroids. Um No Shit.
~So is it legal to knock up a 16 year old who happens to be on your track team in the South and then marry her. Isn't that a bit young? Genarlow Wilson went to jail for several years before he won an appeal for getting head from a 15 year old when he was 17. And this guy is 40 knocks up a girl and marries her when he's her track coach and there's nothing charged. I'm not one to bring up the race card ever, but come on somethings going on with this one.
~Who wants to plan a night out with Pacman Jones using his fun gameboard wheel?