Let's peak into the mind of possible things Rollins could have been thinking of when the ball was coming at his head:
~Hey atleast its not gonna hit me in the nuts.
~It's better than the AA Batteries that hit me at Shea.
~Is Cliff Lee a Phillies fan?
~Did Lee trade for me in his fantasy league after I hit 9 homers in the 1st two weeks?
~Good thing I wasn't wearing my sweet sunglass, those would have been busted
~I should have batted lefty.
~Perhaps he's mad at me for saying I thought Cliff Lee was fat
~6-0 and I'm Getting drilled in the Head, should have played basketball
~I hope I can get up and knock this white boy out
~I hope they got some Motrin back there
I don't really have much else to add to this but I thought this picture was that humurous that it needed to be up on the site one way or another. Luckily for Rollins his brain was not effected from the blow, perhaps unlucky for the Mets fans up the Jersey Turnpike.