So I find Halloween to be one of the most frustrating events as am only mildly creative and lack great ideas as to what to dress up as. However, I was excellent as a kid of recycling old costumes into a new one, for instance I would simply change weapons or wear a crown to be the king of the dead instead of a zombie you get the idea. Well this year I had a few decent ideas, none of which really worked for a redhead who currently has a brillo pad on his head. My ideas being Token Black from South Park, or Clayton Bigbsby the Black White Supremacist. Sure either would have been funny, but too much effort for me to try to look like a bald old black man. So what did I settle on? Glass Joe from Mike Tyson's Punch Out, why well cause it's easy, and he's a red head with too much hair. So simply I need to get Red Boxing gloves, and then I'll write Glass Joe on a torn up sweatshirt. Mildly humurous if anyone gets it.