I understand the back tracking and saying that the police should have implored the president to shutdown campus but I think everything is monday morning quarterbacking, there's no history of this type of event ever. Nothing like this has ever happened, I'm sure the cops and the VaTech officials looked at everything and made what they thought was the best decision and that there was no threat to anyone outside the dorm. Unfortunately they were wrong, but there is absolutely no reason to put any of the blame on the president or the campus police, they did not contribute to this horrible event, stop making them out as horrible people, I'm sure they are torturing themselves enough. VaTech campus is enormous, it's a mini city, tracking down a single individual whether or not that had an accurate description would be almost impossible.
And the fact that his creative writing was a bit disturbing, again that doesn't lead people to feel that anyone is capable of murdering 32 people in cold blood, it just doesn't.
There's nothing that can be said or done to ensure that a vicious, messed up person, won't do this, it's just the world we live in unfortunately, so let's all hope and pray that people like this in the future reach out for help before something like this happens again.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families that must deal with the senseless loss of a son, daughter, father, mother or sibling.