Joakim Noah acts all ghetto with his chest bumping and screaming. And then he comes out and says shit on National TV about how most people won't understand it but they're gonna light it up in Gainesville and party and all this BS. I understand you're gonna get trashed and party at school but you are the least ghetto person in practically all of college basketball.
A) You're french, you eat croissant's and caviar, you did not grow up in Compton or a rough neihboorhood period.
B) You're father is a loaded tennis player / pop star in france, aka you grew up with a ton of money.
C) Your mother is a former Miss Sweden.
D) You're grandfather was a professional soccer player in France.
E) You went to a Prep High School in Princeton, New Jersey
I'm a white kid of Irish and Italian descent from lower Connecticut and I am arguably more ghetto than you. Quit the friggin faced. It's annoying and completely fake. I don't think I've ever heard someone act like that big of a clown during a championship interview.
You are not ghetto.