"I probably (would have played), but since we were in the hunt for a high draft pick, of course things are different," Gomes said. "I understand that. Hopefully things get better. Now that we clinched at least having the second-most balls in the lottery, the last three games we'll see what happens. We'll see if we can go out and finish some games." Quote from Deadspin
He's not saying anything anyone didn't know already. The Celtics started the tank job almost a full month ago when Doc blatantly threw a game against the Bobcats. And then a few weeks ago when Big Al and Pierce sat for the 'season'. In actuality Jefferson came back yesterday after they clinched the 2nd worst record. And most laughable of all given Sebastian Telfair minutes in clutch time. And well every Celtic fan should be pleased with their current spot and chances to get Oden or Durant, it's not like winning these games would have gotten anything, so if the lottery balls don't float their way, atleast they can say they tried.
Tanking is a Good Thing
Greeny is on his kick again about how the NBA should change their draft structure which I've refuted in the past. Giving the #1 pick the the Warriors or Clippers as a benefit for just missing the playoffs makes less sense than giving it to the worst team. Why would Warriors or Clipper management not make it their #1 priority with a few games left to get a superstar for the next decade instead of getting bounced in 5 games by the Mavericks. Logic dictates get a stud and next year your team could legitimately challenge for the NBA title.
So why do I think tanking is a good thing. Well it provides some storylines for teams that have none. It creates an end of the season race that would not exist otherwise, and it actually makes the games the Celtics, Bucks, Grizzlies, etc. play important. They're just important to lose not win. And I would guess that about 70% or more of each of these teams fan base was hoping for their teams to lose games for a better chance at Oden or Durant. If the Celtics had zero chance of getting Oden or Durant right now, which they would have if Greeny got his way, I wouldn't care for a second about the Celtics, they would be completely and utterly dead to me. I don't care if Pierce doesn't play in a game or Big Al doesn't play in a game, I'm not gonna watch the 2nd worst team in the NBA anyway, and I'm certainly not gonna shell out 80+ bucks for a ticket, but atleast now I can look at the box score and the recap the next morning and smile as it is so blatantly obvious that they want to lose. And good for them its the right thing to do.