~Back to Back to Back to Back, is cool but it was against Chase Wright, a kid whose only started 4 games above Class A ball. I think Manny's ball hit the moon though.
~Here's the funny part about the Yankees, the middle relief are struggling because they are pitching every single game this season, especially Proctor and Vizcaino who are both a couple games into double digit appearances already. Meanwhile Mariano is struggling because he is never getting into any games because the games the Yankees have been winning have been complete blowouts. I mean giving up huge hits to Coco Crisp and Marco Scutaro in the same week, that's terrible.
~Meanwhile I understand that Wright got rocked for 4 straight homers, but your bullpen is dead, did you have to take him out immediately after the 3rd. Another 5 innings for the bullpen to burden, I'm sure they were pumped.
~How many times will Joe Torre have Andy Pettite's 'bullpen' session be an actual relief outing? This is already the second time he's done it this season. So basically Andy Pettite is tough enough to throw in game between starts meanwhile that sack of sh*t Carl Pavano is back on the DL with forearm stiffness. I think he should just get jumped on the streets, the guy is such a friggin wuss.
~Here's a question, if Philip Hughes is a top 2 pitching prospect in all of baseball, and the Yankees are completely depleted with injuries in their starting rotation why are they starting 3 guys that aren't nearly close to his minor league pedigree? Are they that protective of the kid? Do they feel that adamant about making sure that when he gets called up he stays up, to the point they don't mind getting rocked on a weekend series at Fenway? Seems pretty stupid to me.
~Niether Dice-K and Beckett were overly impressive this weekend when facing a good lineup. Count it up to nerves or the Yankees patience, but these guys looked great at the start of the season and gave up 6 and 5 runs respectively but both ended up with a W thanks to the fact they were facing Schmuck pitchers.

~I love how they keep on saying the Yankees lineup has no holes, and then Will Nieves steps up to the plate because Posada isn't playing and they mention the fact he doesn't have a single hit yet this season. Not to mention the fact that hitting in front of him was Melky, hitting around the Mendoza line, and Dougy Minkowitz who's not so good. Right now the bottom 3 in the Yankees lineup is not so good. The Red Sox lineup yesterday was better than the Yankees lineup. Now with Matsui and Posada in the lineup the pendulum swings back to New York, but no holes, ha, I have as many hits as Nieves this year.
~A Rod went two games without hitting a homer and it's almost surprising.
~Does Manny have Cheetos in his hair?
~Why is JD Drew playing well? I think it's about time he gets injured.
~I wonder if Wily Mo has ever seen a pitch he didn't want to swing at, guy has no plate discipline.
~Varitek was on fire this weekend, hopefully he regresses back to what he was doing the first few weeks.
~Pedroia made the biggest play of the game yesterday, snuffing Phelps line drive in the 8th which would have tied the game.
~Colter Bean is not good at all. He has no idea what half of the plate his pitches are going end up.
~The Yanks need to answer next weekend at the stadium when they actually might have some favorable pitching matchups. Igawa(sat) Wang (Sun) and pick one Rasner or Wright friday against Dice-K (fri), Wakefield (sat), Tavarez (sun).