This post is brought to you by Get best online sports betting bonuses at this sportsbook . My father, the bright man that he is, said something in Spring Training that I kind of laughed off but is looking like a distinct possibility just 1 month into the season. The phrase was quite simple and quite brief, "You watch, Cano just might win the MVP this year". His reasoning was quite simple, if Cano ever could bottle up all of his potential and put it together in a season while hitting in the 5 hole behind Teixeira and A-Rod he just might wind up hitting .340 with 130 RBIs and 30+ HRs at second base. Again, its just one month into the season, but I certainly wish I went to Vegas and put some money on Cano for MVP for what would have been relatively long odds. Here's what Robinson Cano's rankings look like through the month of April. Cano sits first in the AL in Hits, Average, Runs, OPS and Slugging Percentage. He sits 2nd in the AL in Home Run...