The Pain: The Dual No Decision
You wake up in the morning and check to see what pitchers are starting today and see where you may have an opportunity to pick up some wins and you look at the paper and see Scheduled Starter A vs. Scheduled Starter B, both of whom are on your team. Immediately the thought in your head is ok, well that kind of sucks but I have both starters so I should get a win out of it at least. Until the dreaded dual no decision, god damn.
This week I was boned twice, both of which came in games that CC Sabathia pitched well this week. Tuesday CC Sabathia squared off against Jeremy Bonderman, who has sucked dong for the past month of the season. So one would think that if Bonderman got rocked again well than at least I would get a win out of it but no he pitched well. Bonderman and Sabathia both gave up 2 runs through 7 and the game went into extra innings. No wins for me.
Then yesterday Sabathia squared off against James Shields, who hasn't been so hot lately either. And well yet again both pitchers gave up 2 damn runs, with Sabathia giving up a tying moon shot to Carlos Pena. So once again no god damn wins. Why can't one of my pitchers just get friggin rocked. I need wins, if you suck for months must you pitch well the one damn time you face my best pitcher. You ass-clowns. Sofa Urination for all of you.

This week I was boned twice, both of which came in games that CC Sabathia pitched well this week. Tuesday CC Sabathia squared off against Jeremy Bonderman, who has sucked dong for the past month of the season. So one would think that if Bonderman got rocked again well than at least I would get a win out of it but no he pitched well. Bonderman and Sabathia both gave up 2 runs through 7 and the game went into extra innings. No wins for me.
Then yesterday Sabathia squared off against James Shields, who hasn't been so hot lately either. And well yet again both pitchers gave up 2 damn runs, with Sabathia giving up a tying moon shot to Carlos Pena. So once again no god damn wins. Why can't one of my pitchers just get friggin rocked. I need wins, if you suck for months must you pitch well the one damn time you face my best pitcher. You ass-clowns. Sofa Urination for all of you.