The funniest part is that Manchester City's manager is Sven-Goran Eriksson, the former English National manager who was pretty much crucified by the entire nation for being a horrible manager. Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson was amongst one of the more boisterous adversaries of Eriksson and well the Swede stuck it to the Scot this weekend.
So Manchester United possibly the most prestigious professional sports club in the entire world, even more so than the Yankees perhaps, sits a point above relegation after 3 games while their neighbors are basking as the only 100% 3 games 3 wins. To put this in perspective, last season they won the premiership and finished the entire season with 5 draws and 5 losses, after three games they've accumalted 40% of their draws and 20% of their losses. And they have 35 games to go, so in essence they would need to win 80% of their remaining games to accumulate the same amount of points as last season.
Meanwhile Chelsea had to enjoy this result as they came back from a deficit against Liverpool to draw, and sit 5 points ahead of the team they probably thought would be their biggest competition for the Premiership title.