Mr. Chamberlain got thrown out of the game after an inning and a third today. For throwing high nonetheless, which Sterling said was nonsense, I guess we'll believe him. Although Youkilis is ugly so I would say that the intent could have been there.
But the question must be asked, since he pitched an inning and a third, can he pitch on Saturday? Even Sterling said, "I wonder if this means that Joba can pitch after just one days rest." Very astute John, I am shocked.
My guess is Chamberlain can pitch on Saturday only if the inning comes after 3:33. Why? Because that doesn't make any sense, kind of like the overly precautious Joba rules in the first place. Oh, and he threw less than 20 pitches again so he could by Little League standards pitch tomorrow.
But in solid news the Yankees swept. Woo. And Edwar avoided what could have been the lamest first earned run in a professional career. Since if he let Youkilis on base the hit or walk would have been credited to Chamberlain and so would have the run. But alas, a subject that won't have to be brought up.