For those not in the loop or myself who was in the Cape did you know that Bobby Jenks just tied the record for most consecutive batters retired in a row? He's retired his last 41 batters faced to tie a major league record. How is this not a big deal? The only reason I even came across this record is from reading a post by
One More Dying Quail at
Awful Announcing. ESPN, SI, Yahoo, Sportsline front sports pages have nothing. ESPN baseball front page nothing. Yahoo baseball front page nothing, all while having a headline photo of Ozzie Guillen. Sportsline and Yahoo both caption the game as being a Weaver gem and no mention of the record breaking appears until the opening of the article.
How is this not big time news? He's retired 41 consecutive batters and has tied an all time record which to me is pretty damn cool, yet I've not even seen this anywhere and the only big time site I check that had it even on their baseball front page was SI. No one has walked or gotten a hit on this dude in 41 straight plate appearances? Isn't that more entertaining than Gagne's save streak which got so much pub a few years back? As soon as he throws 4 balls it's over, as soon as somebody bloops a ball over the second basemans head it's over. Please someone give the big guy some love.