Next time you hear someone on radio talk to Vick don't listen, I already know what the callers will be. Here's 10 callers you can expect to hear:
1. Puppy lover saying that Vick is disgraceful and how could you possibly do that to animals.
2. Guy from the south or Caribbean calling up and saying that Vick grew up with it and not to kill him cause he doesn't know better.
3. Guy calling up calling the radio host a racist saying that if Vick was a white athlete then they wouldn't be on him.
4. Guy calling up suggesting that we let rapers off the hook but we come down hard on Vick for dogfighting.
5. Guy calling up saying that the way we get veal or slaughter pigs or hunt is just as bad as fighting dogs.
6. Hunter calling up saying that the last caller was a moron and that he hunts to control the animal population and mentions the fact that their are deer run over all over highways cause there are too many of them.
7. Guy calling up saying that the hunter is liar and that he hunts cause he likes it and not to control the animal population.
8. Guy calling up saying that Vick is a liar as well and that he should have kept lying to give us the appearance that he was telling the truth.
9. Guy calling up saying that his friends are scumbags for throwing Vick under the bus.
10. Guy calling up saying that Vick is a prime example of how pro athletes hang out with too many thug friends and how it brings the athlete down.
There are more callers that you already have heard from, but the point remains. Lets get some other topics to talk about, this one is completely played out.
When I go duck hunting, its because I've been practicing for years, purchased equipment, have invested time into training the dog, gotten up at 4 AM on Saturday, setup decoys, and had the skill to take down a bird on the wing with a shotgun at 40 yards. Then I take the duck home, clean it, and enjoy a fine meal.
People compare this to breeding dogs based on aggressiveness, size, beating them while they grew up, placing them in a ring where they fight for their lives, then drowning or electrocuting the loser to death?