The man with this moronic claim is Jonathon Lee Riches, who claims that Vick stole two of his pit bulls and sold them on ebay and used the proceeds to purchase missiles from the Iranian government after he pledged his allegiance to Al Queda. Because of course Al Queda loves African American Football players. And of course the sale of two dogs can afford you the purchase of missiles from Iran. And the stealing of said two dogs is worth 63,000,000,000.
I think this man needs to be interviewed so we can fully grasp just how stupid he is. In addition the lawyer that brought these charges has to be a joke, so he should also be interviewed. One of the Gumbel's needs to get on this. This is why I love America, there is always some ass clown you can laugh at.
Courtesy of CGB
And Please Read His Fun Paper Doc Lawsuit