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The NASCAR Bumper Sticker Rule

First let me get off my chest my feelings about bumper stickers. They're for the most part lame. You bought the car because it looked good why the hell do you need to deface it with some stupid joke or something like, "if you can read this get off my ass." It's stupid. The only truly acceptable bumper stickers, if you can call them that, are the college ones and that's only if you went to a semi decent school. If say you went to the local community college and because of that you're working at the local 7-11 how about you just save yourself the embarrasment?

Ok now onto two things that piss me off. NASCAR and people driving slow. If you know me or have ever read any of my NASCAR posts, well then you know how stupid I think NASCAR is, and well most people that watch as well. Now if you've met me, you've either seen a few rage induced moments or you have seen how god damn impatient I can be and people driving slowly in my way just brings those not so good traits together. And the combination of NASCAR and people driving slowly just boils my last nerve.

If you've got two damn NASCAR banners on the back of your car and a Dale Sr. and Dale Jr. sticker how about you drive friggin fast? I don't care if you've got a 1970 VW Van, there is no way in hell you should be driving less than 10 miles an hour. You have 4 friggin stickers associated with driving 200 miles per hour on your piece of shit car, yet you are in front of me on a one lane semi highway going 1 mile below the speed limit. You effectively make me hate NASCAR and everything associated with NASCAR even more. And well, you suck.


Anonymous said…
Little behind, I agreed with you on the bumper sticker rules until a year ago. I have changed my thinking to a limit of 1 sticker, small, like a sports team. No jokes or prayers / small print reading.

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