Remember the illustrious Jose Offerman? If you're a Sox fan you certainly do. In 1999 Offerman made his debut with the Sox and while he was miserable in the field he hit .294 and was a valuable bat in their lineup. He proceeded to tank the next 2 1/2 years and was shipped to Seattle.

Well Jose is still toiling around baseball trying to make it. Last year he toiled in Triple A and this season he's a teammate of
Crazy Carl the Dinosaur Hater with the Long Island Ducks. Apparently Jose needed Crazy Carl to hold him back like he did with the Red Sox, cause well Jose
lost his cool a little bit last night.
In the first inning of the game against the Bridgeport Bluefish Offerman went yard. So naturally the next inning when he was drilled in the calf he charged the mound with bat in hand and swung at the pitcher. He clipped pitcher Matt Beech's fingers and hit catcher John Nathans in the head with the backswing. Jose was then arrested and taken into custody.

Come on Jose, Bridgeport is such a lovely city how could anyone ever get mad when you are in such a paradise and when you have such a beautiful view of the local power plant just past the right field bleachers. The beautiful smog of Bridgeport should promote peace and harmony and all things wonderful not violence and anger towards the opposing pitcher Jose. Think happy thoughts. Plus you only got hit on the damn calf, how much of a little bitch are you, that couldn't have seriously hurt much. Stop being a little girl Jose, do you think a Major League team is going to pick you up now? You made Crazy Carl look tame.
also, it reminds me of the time perras pulled my hair after he splashed his beer in my face...for a meer beercap landing in his cup