It's pretty much a simple scenario. The Knicks have little to no cap room this year but potentially a ton of cap room in 2010. Kobe Bryant has a player option after this year for a meager 23$ million. All Kobe would have to do to team up with Lebron James and win every championship a Knicks fan could ever desire is opt out of his current contract and sign a contract with the Knicks this offseason. Then when Lebron James becomes a free agent in 2010 he could follow Kobe to Manhattan and the titles will waterfall to MSG.
The Crux in this scenario? In order for this ludicrous idea to work Kobe Bryant would have to accept... the Knicks' mid level exception. That'd be a 5 million dollar contract for the 2008 season or an 18+ million dollar paycut. This would then allow the Knicks to sign LBJ in 2010 and give Kobe a fat extension immediately following the signing of Lebron.
Yes this has literally no chance of ever happening, but some drugged out Knick fan can now suggest it to his friends and that'll at least be humurous.