The Case: After months and months of lingering and avoiding all questions regarding Barry Bonds Bud Selig has attended the past 8 San Francisco Giant games awaiting the record. This was probably the right move on Selig's part, but here's the problem; Selig decided to compare his attending baseball games to a "Herculean Effort". Here's his exact quote:
"I don't think there's anybody that can say I haven't made a Herculean effort, In fact, I've been having a lot of people who are stunned that I'm still at it."
The Verdict: Mr. Commissioner you sir are on crack. You are the commissioner of major league baseball, I'm pretty damn sure one of the jobs you have is to attend baseball games. So A) showing up to games is part of your job. B) You are attending baseball games. What the hell is difficult about that? You wake up, you do your work from a hotel room, or maybe even one of the home team's offices, than at 7 o'clock you sit in a luxury box. Oh wow Bud that sounds so difficult. And then every 3 days or so you need to travel to a new city. Hmm, sounds kind of like exactly what every baseball player does. Substituting practice and workout session with whatever you as the commissioner do during the day. So Bud I think it's best that you don't make any dumb ass comments like this anymore, you are just insulting yourself and making yourself look like a pansy.