Hey its time to make token predictions based on slightly above average but certainly not expert knowledge.
I feel as if Portugal and the Czech Republic are pretty safe bets to outlast Turkey and Switzerland. Turkey probably has a slightly better chance to advance than the Swiss but still a limited one.
I have Germany and Croatia tieing for the group lead and say Germany gets spot #1 on goal differential. I don't think Poland or Austria have a large chance of advancing.
Group A

Group B

Group C
This is a big time group and of course I sided against the French advancing because well I don't like France much.

Group D
Spain will dominate this group and flip a coin between Greece, Sweden and Russia. My coin landed in a tie with Russia and Sweden and then landed in Russia's favor.

These rounds didn't automatically fill out which team was what. So I just picked them at random and filled out the teams afterwards. I think a final 4 of Italy, Spain, Portuagal and the Czech Republic is a pretty good prediction.
