As a result of this weekend, all of that has changed. No longer will Watson be disrespected by my memory, no longer will he be an after thought. Now when I think great vintage golfers, Watson's name will be where it should be, amongst the top of the list. He'll be the man that did the impossible. The old man that just about outlasted the entire field on a course he won at before 1/2 of the field was born. He'll be the 59 year old that fell just a single putt short of a miracle.
In the end does it the conclusion of the 72 holes really matter? We saw the story. We enjoyed the four days of action. And the memory will remain.
On thursday morning at 7am before work I go to me dad "Guess who's leading the British Open? He's older than you." My father's answer came back quick "Tom Watson? Wow." And that's what made this weekend special, not the end result, just Tom Watson and Wow.