As of right now the Mets sit 10 games back in the division and 7.5 games back in the wildcard. We've seen comebacks of that magnitude done before via epic win streaks, think the Rockies run to the postseason two years ago, the problem is the Mets suck. The Mets don't even have anything close to that run in them. And without Beltran, Reyes and Delgado for likely the majority of August those numbers will increase to the point where they'll likely be just about mathematically eliminated going into September.
The worst part about the Mets right now is that they're unwatchable. They've been shut out five times in their past 13 games. Last night they were shut out by soft tossing John Lannon. For Lannon it was his first career shut out and just his 2nd complete game of his career. The other was of course against the Mets earlier this season. That's just downright embarrassing. But that's to be expected from a lineup with 19 home runs total this season.
At least if you're a Mets fan you have one thing going for you. In 2009 you can cut your losses in July rather than having them rip out your heart on September 30th. That's at least better, right?