At the end of the afternoon Crawford tied a modern day record of 6 steals in a game. But it's where he sits right now in the league standings that is almost even more astonishing. At this point of the season, about one month through, Carl Crawford ranks 8th in major league baseball in stolen bases. Wait nevermind, he would rank 8th in major league baseball if he was a team. That's right Carl Crawford has stolen more bases thus far this season than 22 major league baseball teams. In fact he had more stolen bases yesterday than the Braves have had all season long.
Crawford is now 17 for 17 on steal attempts this season through just 21 games, a far cry from the 25 he recorded in 100+ games last season when his legs weren't under him. He also has stolen at least one base in 6 consecutive games. He has the green light everytime he's on base. If you have Crawford on your fantasy team, get ready to have a 30+ steal lead by midseason.