Last week the Yankees sucked because they were 15-17. A 200 million dollar payroll and two games under .500 after 1/5th of the season? How could this be? Terrible just terrible. And who's a bigger bust than Mark Teixeira? Why did they give that bum 180$ million dollars? The Red Sox and Blue Jays are going to pull away from the Yanks. Panic is spreading throughout the Bronx.
Today the Yankees are on a 6 game winning streak coming off a sweep of the Twins with 3 epic walk off victories and so... Everything is Great. The world is a better place, the sun is shining, the Bronx is buzzing. Teixeira is a hero. The Yanks are just a 1/2 game behind the Sox. The Sox are reeling with injuries and a useless Papi. The Yanks are on fire and will surely pass them.
These are the emotions that fill up a baseball season. Highs and lows that should be tempered but they never are. The season as they say is a marathon and not a sprint, yet fans do not heed this advice. Rather they fly day by day, making drastic emotional swings with one at bat or one performance. Fandom does
Last Week the Yankees were Dying, This Week the Yankees Are Thriving, Next Week the Yankees are...