The below chart shows a comparison between the Salary spent by each MLB teams and the percentage of attendance in their stadium. The higher you are on the chart the closer you are to the Yankees 200 million dollar payroll, the lower you are on the chart the closer you are to the Marlins 38 million dollar payroll. The further right the team is the closer they are to the Red Sox 101% average capacity. The further left a team is the Pirates 40.8% attendance. Ideally you want your salary low and your attendance high, so the closer you are to the lower right the better and the closer you are to the upper left, i.e. high salary low attendance, the worse off you are.

~The Brewers are doing very well for themselves this year post Sabathia and Sheets as they are 7th in attendance percentage but just 17th in salary.
~Only Milwaukee, Kansas City (Thanks Greinke!) and San Diego have a better than average attendance while also below the median of MLB salaries.
~The Padres apparently pay no one other than Jake Peavy, guess that's why they want to trade him.
~The Braves are still spending cash even though absolutely nobody is coming to their games. It's amazing how a team like the Braves who has been successful for nearly two decades still can't get people out to their ballpark.
~Outside the Braves, the Indians and Mariners are the only two other teams who have an above average payroll but are not above average in attendance.
~Really nothing else surprises here. The Yankees are piss poor, aka 8th, in attendance thanks to exorbitantly over-pricing their tickets. The Red Sox are first which is a combination of rabid fan base as well as incredibly small stadium. No one in Pittsburgh cares despite a sweet ballpark, thanks to not having a winning team in a high schoolers lifetime. And the Bay area may not be a big enough market for two teams.
~All stats were gathered before the interleague games on friday.
~The Brewers are doing very well for themselves this year post Sabathia and Sheets as they are 7th in attendance percentage but just 17th in salary.
~Only Milwaukee, Kansas City (Thanks Greinke!) and San Diego have a better than average attendance while also below the median of MLB salaries.
~The Padres apparently pay no one other than Jake Peavy, guess that's why they want to trade him.
~The Braves are still spending cash even though absolutely nobody is coming to their games. It's amazing how a team like the Braves who has been successful for nearly two decades still can't get people out to their ballpark.
~Outside the Braves, the Indians and Mariners are the only two other teams who have an above average payroll but are not above average in attendance.
~Really nothing else surprises here. The Yankees are piss poor, aka 8th, in attendance thanks to exorbitantly over-pricing their tickets. The Red Sox are first which is a combination of rabid fan base as well as incredibly small stadium. No one in Pittsburgh cares despite a sweet ballpark, thanks to not having a winning team in a high schoolers lifetime. And the Bay area may not be a big enough market for two teams.
~All stats were gathered before the interleague games on friday.