A lot has been made about Yankee Stadium giving up boatloads of home runs since its inception. I've tried to remain calm and say that the homers have been deserving but last night was the final straw. Three of last nights homers were a complete joke and I just can't take it anymore.

First of all, Jason Bartlett is FAR from a Power hitter. He now has 15 homers for his entire career, granted 4 of them are this season but I don't care. His career high in a season is 5. So when a player of this ilk, throws his bat at a fast ball pinpointed on the black and knee high and it flys over the 385 sign, something is very very wrong. Jason Bartlett should not be hitting opposite field homers.

Ok I know Longoria is a power hitter and his home run in the 9th was a moon shot, but this home run is a disgrace. Look at where the barrel of his bat is and where the ball hits. That ball is millimeters away from being a cue shot blooper.

And to not be biased for the Yankees, Matsui's homer just might have been the worst of all. The pitcher throws a breaking ball that may have traveled as far as the plate. It was 100% evident that the ball wasn't going to reach the catcher, yet somehow Matsui dips his whole body down, hits a ball that never gets above 20 feet in the air and somehow has enough drive to hit the ball 325 feet?
Bartletts and Longoria high fly balls are likely outs in other stadiums. Matsui's ball is likely just a double. None of these balls should have reached the cheap* seats, nevermind been a few rows back. It's getting very very bad.

First of all, Jason Bartlett is FAR from a Power hitter. He now has 15 homers for his entire career, granted 4 of them are this season but I don't care. His career high in a season is 5. So when a player of this ilk, throws his bat at a fast ball pinpointed on the black and knee high and it flys over the 385 sign, something is very very wrong. Jason Bartlett should not be hitting opposite field homers.
Longoria's 375 foot nubber

Ok I know Longoria is a power hitter and his home run in the 9th was a moon shot, but this home run is a disgrace. Look at where the barrel of his bat is and where the ball hits. That ball is millimeters away from being a cue shot blooper.
Matsui's Tee-It Up To Low Scorcher

And to not be biased for the Yankees, Matsui's homer just might have been the worst of all. The pitcher throws a breaking ball that may have traveled as far as the plate. It was 100% evident that the ball wasn't going to reach the catcher, yet somehow Matsui dips his whole body down, hits a ball that never gets above 20 feet in the air and somehow has enough drive to hit the ball 325 feet?
Bartletts and Longoria high fly balls are likely outs in other stadiums. Matsui's ball is likely just a double. None of these balls should have reached the cheap* seats, nevermind been a few rows back. It's getting very very bad.